Somos un centro especializado en procedimientos de cirugía plástica, estética y reconstructiva
realizados de la forma más profesional y con tecnología de punta brindándole calidez humana
y seguridad.


Dr. Hector Milla

Cirujano Plástico Certificado

Board certified plastic surgeon. Active member Mexican Association of Plastic, Aesthetic and Reconstructive Surgery. Mexican board of plastic, aesthetic and reconstructive surgery. American Society of Plastic Surgeons. Slot Rajabandot, Baja California Association of Plastic, Aesthetic and Reconstructive Surgery. San Diego plastic surgery society.

Dr. Milla graduated with honors from the School of Medicine at the UNAM in México City. He completed his medical internship at the prestigious National Institute of Sciences, Medicine and Nutrition, Salvador Zubiran. Then he completed his general surgery training at Hospital Central Sur de Alta Especialidad in Mexico City, according to his development he became resident’s chief in general surgery. He completed his training as a plastic surgeon at the Health Services of the Federal District.

Dr. Milla’s extensive education is just one of the reasons manny has surgery done by him.


En nuestro centro avanzado de cirugía plástica, estética y reconstructiva te brindamos la mejor y mas nueva tecnologia para tus procedimientos, contamos con instalaciones y estándares avaladas por la Cofepris y Secretaria de Salud.

Todos nuestros cirujanos plásticos estan certificados y nuestro equipo de enfermería se mantiene en constante capacitación para brindarte un servicio profesional y cálido.